Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is love?

Love, I have heard and seen this word so many times.  The dictionary defines this word as; an intense feeling of deep affection. It has synonyms like, fondness, endearment, warmth, tenderness, and attachment.  In regards to people this word makes us think of the people in our lives that touch our hearts. But have you ever given any thought as to what love really is? What is does to us? What is does for us? I don't mean how love makes you silly, giddy, have butterflies in your stomach, makes us do silly things we usually wouldn't, or how love makes us feel like nothing else in the world matters. What I mean is how deeply love touches us in ways we didn't think possible, how it molds us into people we never knew we could be.  I am talking about the kind of love that no matter how much it hurts you, or  makes you cry, tries your spirit, and splits your soul it is always worth it, because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and however long it takes you will be, a better person because you lived, through love. You Weren't afraid to make mistakes or choices and try again. Above all, you loved someone no matter what people thought, You would die for that person...but you would also live for them. when you lose them it feels like you lose yourself, When you're with them it's the happiest times of your life, but when you're without them it feels like there is this great big hole in you. You always want to be in their arms, You miss them the second they leave, you're always worried about them. There is something in you just burning so deeply you cannot even begin to describe it. You want to be the one they turn to, you want to be the one they trust. They can hurt you so much without meaning to but you choose to pretend that they don't just in case it would hurt them or your relationship, they mean the world to you and you always want to protect them you wish you could take their pain from them even if it means feeling it yourself. They do not have to return your love for you to feel this way. They make your life complete and you cannot imagine them not being in it.  That is the true meaning of love, too bad the dictionary can't tell you that.

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